In the final week of the class, Games and Simulations, I returned to the Minecraft world and decided to see if I could put some “homier” touches on my house. I first wanted to build a bed (a piece of furniture that my daughter deems “essential”, if I don’t want to be killed by zombies. Or maybe the house is to protect me from zombies, and the bed to keep me rested and alert? I tried, in vain to convince her that there were no zombies in my version of Minecraft, but she remained adamant.
Unfortunately, there was no wool to be had anywhere (an essential ingredient, along with wooden planks). I did my research and found that if I had a pair of shears (which I did), I could shear a sheep without killing it (hooray!). I wandered around in the wilds away from the settled area without success. I decided to try walking the other way, and lo and behold, discovered that Pansy had a corral with several animals. The animals shied away from me, but after going through my inventory, I found that I could wave around a piece of sugarcane, which aroused their interest. I also fed a carrot to a pig, which apparently garnered it’s love and devotion.
Once I built their trust, I did something that I would never have done IRL. I stole a sheep fleece. Luckily, the sheep recovered a new coat quickly, but Pansy, if you are reading this, please forgive me.
Back to the house to build the bed, and after a few missteps, my bed stood in the middle of the room, ready for me to rest my weary head. A few paintings on the wall, and two torches on the walls, and I now have a cozy nest. I look forward to the chance to go back to my home and continue to practice my Minecraft skills.